All posts by admin

Guru Purnima 2019

“Where there is a Guru there is grace”.

Excellia School celebrated the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima within the school premises. Inspiring quotes and speech were presented by the students of grade IV-B in the morning assembly to render their tribute to teachers. The children extended their appreciation towards their teachers.


“Get going…….walk if you have to, but finish the race”.
– Ron Hill.

The tiny tots of Excellia School participated enthusiastically in the informal races
held on 12/7/19. The children were divided into three groups of P.G, Nursery and
KG. The blooming buds of P.G class participated in the 30-meter sprint race and
gave their best. The shining stars of grade Nursery participated in ring balancing
race into which they had to keep the rings balanced on their heads and move till the
finishing line. Last but not the least the developing roots of KG class did the
shuttle race. The children thoroughly enjoyed their races and were thrilled with
joy. The objective of the race to infuse the sportsman spirit was thus achieved.

Taare Zameen Par – The Baby Show

“It’s a good thing babies don’t give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with
them and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple”.

– Anita Diamant.

Excellia School Organized a fun-filled baby show – “Taare Zameen Par” on 13th
July 2019 i.e. Saturday which showcased the hidden talents and antics of the
children. The throng of Parents and Tiny-Tots participated in the show. Kids from age-
group 2 years to 6.5 years enthusiastically participated in the show. Fancy Dress
The event saw the toddlers sashaying down the ramp in their beautiful attires. Even the
mothers left no stone unturned while walking down the ramp with their kids in
Baby Rampwalk with Moms. There were many exciting and fun-loving
competitions for the babies at the show like dance, story-telling, rhyme, and
singing. Children who participated were given the titles of Most Energetic Baby,
Best Dressed Baby, Confident Baby, etc. Gifts and Certificates were given to the
winners by Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan and Special Guest Ms. Shalini Pathak.


Fire drills are a very important step towards creating awareness
regarding fire safety, and to also provide students with a clear
idea regarding what actions to take in case the fire breaks out in
school premises. The students and staff of Excellia School were
acquainted with the fire drill on 10th July’19 i.e. Wednesday in
the school. Children have explained in detail the various
initiatives they need to take in case of fire followed by the
important emergency numbers which need to be dialed for the
same. A demo was given by the Fire Officer. Wherein the students
were taught how to use the fire extinguisher in case of
an emergency. The students even tried to extinguish the fire using a
fire extinguisher. Children were able to analyze the fact that fire
safety keeps people safe from any mishappening.

Brain ‘O’ Brain Event

“Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching”.
– Ferguson Jenkins.

Keeping in sync to the aforesaid words, Brain ‘O’ Brain activity was organized in Excellia School on 7th July’19 to acquaint the parents about creative advance skill, development skills for their children which can prove fruitful for them in their lives. Learning is a lifelong process which can be enhanced by the ability to do multitasking effortlessly. This can be achieved when one is able to concentrate on their aim and strive tirelessly. The parents were highly influenced by the presentation which was followed by drawing competition for the children. The children made beautiful paintings which looked immensely colorful and vibrant. The conclusion of the program was done by Magic Show that was enjoyed by everyone followed by Prize distribution to the winners by the School’s Principal Mrs. Sonia

Class Activity Excellia School – 2019

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; a holistic approach to health and well – being. Keeping this in mind Yoga activity was conducted in our pre-primary section at Excellia School on 2-7-19 i.e. Tuesday with great enthusiasm. Warm up exercises were taken and all the students performed various asanas, importance of these were explained to the kids. Regular practice of yoga will surely help our kids achieve a better life, physically, mentally and spiritually as well.


Yoga is not just about touching your toes; it is what you learn on your way down.

-Jigar Gor

To ensure that a healthy mind resides inside a healthy body, Excellia School organized Yoga and Meditation camp in association with VAYS in the school from 12th June 2019 till 21st June 2019. The objective of this camp was to benefit the people and acquaint them with various forms of breathing exercises along with yoga asanas so that they reap the benefits all through their lives. The camp was well attended by many people, which was conducted early morning every day for ten days at a stretch. The camp was appreciated by the participants who attended it and also advised that such camps should be organized frequently for the benefits they emit.


For chess enthusiasts and amateur players it was a lucrative time when Excellia School organized a chess camp under the steering of Coach Ravi Shankar from 6th June till 13th June 2019 respectively. Mr. Ravi Shankar is the winner of 1st Imperia all India fife rating championship 2014. The children learnt the Art of Attack / Defence, Opening, middle and end game and Plan & Execution of the strategy. Participants were from various schools, DPS, CMS, Unison World School to name a few.

Summer Camp at Excellia School 2019

A Summer Camp is a supervised programme for children conducted during summer vacations. The objective of organizing the summer camp is to provide an even platform for all kids to explore and express their creativity in any form. Excellia School organized its summer camp “Camp d’e`te`” that kicked off on 27 th May 2019 and was concluded on 4 th June 2019. The children had ample of activities to choose from in both the slots that were from sporty activities and co-curricular activities. Each of the participants learnt and put forth their best presentation. On the last day of the camp, parents were invited to witness the presentation laid by their wards. From beautiful art & craft work to fun-filled drama, from foot – tapping instrumental presentation to scintillating dance performance, the parents witnessed it all and praised heartily for all the hard work put in by the teachers. The one hour concluding ceremony was ended happily by the distribution of certificates.

1st Excellia Football Cup – Excellia School

Excellia School organized the 1st Excellia Football Cup Under – 19 Boys in the school. The three day championship began on 17th May 2019 and concluded on 19th May 2019 at the school’s Milkha Singh Ground. Marking the presence as the guest in chief was the School Chairman Mr. D S Pathak along with Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak. Mr. D S Pathak gave the inaugural kick to flag off the tournament sprawling green ground and optimal wind flow made favorable conditions for the tournament. DPS Eldeco and Dragon Football Club were the opponents playing in the finals and gave a tough competition to each other. Dragon FC team won the match against DPS Eldeco by 1 goal.

The Winners were felicitated by the Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak with prize amount of Rs 10,000/- along with Trophy and Medals. The Runner-up team was felicitated with Runner-up trophy and Medals with prize amount of Rs 7000/-.

Weave a Yarn / Extempore Competition

Extempore is the art of public speaking that is carried out without preparation or forethought. It puts to test one’s ability to think on the spot and also their spontaneity. Excellia School conducted Inter-class extempore competition for classes V-IX and weave a yarn competition for classes I-IV on 4/5/2019 i.e. Saturday. The students were given topics for which they spoke on the spot. Young children enjoyed the competition to the core while senior wing geared up their grey cells to speak on the topic. Winners were given certificates for their exemplary performance.

Parents’ Teacher Meeting @ Excellia School

Excellia School conducted the parents’ teacher meet as per the guidelines given by the district magistrate to ensure that they have casted their votes to fulfill their duties as the citizen of India. The PTM was conducted on 8th May, 2019 which was attended by all the parents who showed their inked fingers happily.

Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation Activity 2019

The young Excellians took part in a rally and signature campaign today as on 04/05/2019 in order to create awareness of the importance of voting as a part of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) activity organized by the district administration.

The students appealed to the residents of the Omaxe Society to ensure that they cast their vote in the Lok Sabha elections. “The objective of conducting the rally was to achieve 100% polling in our district”.

Carrying placards and raising slogans on the importance of voting the students carried out the rally inside the omaxe premises.

Clean Fit and Healthy Class Activity

Today is a New Day,

Fresh start!

Think Happy Thoughts,


Drink lots of Water

Don’t just eat

Fuel your Body.

Be Healthy & Happy!

On 3/05/2019, the little Excellians of class I-B did few exercises in the class pertaining to the topic ‘Clean Fit and Healthy’. The children were thrilled with joy and at the same time were able to analyze the importance on a daily basis.

Splash Pool Party at Excellia School 2019

“One can’t have more fun than playing with water on a hot day in a splash pool”.

Water play is an inevitable part of pre-school as it helps in gross motor development and also helps in eye hand co-ordination.

Keeping all this in mind Pre-primary classes of Excellia School scheduled a pool party for the students on 3rd May, 2019. The poolside was beautifully decked up as per the theme. The tiny tots too came in colorful swimsuits and umbrellas and they had a great time enjoying in the water.

At the end they felt refreshed in the cool pool and got an ice candy to call up their day happily.

Medhansh – Sanvi won under -15 Chess Championship

Excellia school students worked wonders when Medhansh Saxena and Sanvi Agarwal bagged 1st positions respectively in Under -15 District Chess Championship. The championship which was held in collaboration with Lucknow Chess Sports Association in Excellia School saw throngs of participants from across the District.

Labour Day or “Kamgar Din” Celebrated at Excellia 2019

Labour Day is celebrated as Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas in India. It reminds us to celebrate the struggles and power of ordinary working men and women. In hindi Labour Day is called “Kamgar Din”. Excellia School celebrated Labours Day on 1st May 2019 in the school premises by arranging various fun games and events to felicitate the school helping staff for their tireless services towards the organization. Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak, Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan and General Manager Mr. Shekhar Varshney marked their esteemed presence in the event. The students and the teachers cheered the helping staff during their games and events. Winners were given prizes by the General Manager Mr. Shekhar Varshney. The students presented the beautiful chorus and enthralling dance performances to make them feel special.

Extra Curricular Activities 2019

A shift in the way education has a New Perspective.

It is imperative in Today’s times that children are equipped with mental agility and physical endurance to accommodate with the changing times of education and balancing extra-curricular activities. Excellia School understands the values of holistic development and thus has incorporated yoga and Chess in their curriculum. Playing the game of Chess right from childhood improves learning, thinking, analytical-power and decision making ability of the child. Yoga being the holistic system teaches skills which many sports persons seek, such as control over the mind ,control over the body, good breathing habits, relaxation under pressure, highly developed concentration skills and the ability to focus on the present. These are imbibed in the school’s daily schedule and is ensured that children enjoy the session.

Paan Party at Excellia School

Activity provides all students opportunities to develop understanding about the chapter. Students of Class VII performed an activity named, ‘Paan Party’ for the chapter ‘Festival of Eid’. Each Student made their refreshing Paan’s. Their efforts got grace when the Coordinator of Excellia School gave her valuable presence to them and tasted the stuff prepared by them.

Healthy Pizza Party Excellia School

There are lots of advantages which children get when activities are a tool for their learning development. Class IV-B conducted an activity names, ‘Healthy Pizza Party’ for the ‘Chapter Brave Pizza Delivery Boy’. Each student made pizza’s with the healthy home stuff brought by them .Their efforts were honored when the Principal of Excellia School visited the class and tasted the ‘Healthy Pizza ‘made by the students.

IT Training Workshop

IT Training Workshop was conducted in Excellia School on 27th April,2019 to acquaint the teachers with school software .The objective of the workshop was to hone the IT Skills of the teachers and also to help them get their work streamlined .The workshop was attended by the Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan Along with all the teachers. It was a productive training that will help equip the teachers with the latest technological Skills.

Scholarship Award 2019

Successful and Unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.

– John Markwell.

Excellia School knows that it is imperative to motivate the Children to help them sail through the journey of academics happily and successfully. Thus the ones who give their best foot forward in academics are addressed accordingly .It is highly motivating for us as well to announce that the students who have excelled academically to avail Smt .A.D.Pathak memorial Scholarship have exceeded from the previous session. Director Mr.Asheesh Pathak and the Principal Mrs.Sonia Vardhan congratulated the parents of Aadi Krishna Tripathi, Yashi Srivastava and Kanishak Mittal and felicitated the children on 27-04-2019 and wished them well for their future endeavours.

Earth Day celebration Excellia School 2019

School being the foundation of the student’s life, assembly helps them gather positive energy to do well and be good in their life. ‘ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully citizens can change the world.’
A special assembly was conducted by the students of class VII on Earth Day. the students expressed the necessity to spread awareness about the challenges faced by our Mother Earth. They listed few points which could be followed by everyone on regular basis to protect our environment for future.
Earth Day reminds us to be loving and caring towards our Earth.
Any effort even a tiny endeavour would go a long way in saving mankind from disaster.

Dance Competition Excellia School 2019

Dance competitions are a great way to build up an emotional resilience in a child. It enforces kids to gain emotional strength and to accept criticism and rejection gracefully. Excellia school organized a Solo Dance Competition, wherein the students participated enthusiastically and made the Competition a remarkable one! The happiness of the children was amply evident with applause and appreciation. The movement of their body in a rhythmic way, expressed their ideas and emotions which released their energy and took delight in  their movement.