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Annual Exhibition Event At Excellia School

Annual Exhibition Event At Excellia

16th December 2018 marked an important day at excellent
school when The Flying Sikh, Mr.Milkha Singh, Padma
Shri, along with a galaxy of intellectuals graced the annual
exhibition “Kala Utsav” and inauguration of new sports
ground named after Mr.Milkha Singh present amongst the
a host of dignitaries were Ultra Man Mr.Abhishek Mishra
, Social worker Mr.Sachin Srivastava, School’s Founder
Director Dr.M.S Tyagi, Chairman Mr.D.S Pathak, Vice
chairman Mrs.Manju Pathak, Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak
& Mrs. Shalini Pathak, Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan
General manager Mr.Shekhar Varshney and advisor Mr.
Praveen Pandey.
Mr.Milkha Singh applauded to the effort put in by the
students to take the exhibition to another level. Every
class chose a different theme for the exhibition and
displayed various caricatures and artifacts as per their
themes. Post inaugurating the sports ground Mr.Milkha
Singh addressed the students of the school with the
motivational speech. Hordes of people thronged to have
a glimpse of Mr.Milkha Singh.
We congratulate Medhansh for his success and wish him all the very best for his future

We congratulate Medhansh for his success and wish him all the very best for his future

Often known as a game for the intellectually gifted, chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies: the brain. We are proud to share the laurels brought up by Medhansh Saxena by defeating Kuldeep Shankar of UP Secretariat on tie-breaker. He lifted up the 16th Shivani Cup Sunday open Chess Trophy held at shivani Public School. We congratulate Medhansh for his success and wish him all the very best for his future.
Skill-Writting-in-Excellia-School-Lucknow (4)

“Prep My Skills” Workshop

Excellia School organized a workshop for the Teacher’s based on “Prep My Skills” on 29th November 2018. The purpose for organizing the workshop was to induce innovative ways for inculcating values, positive attitudes, respect and compassion in the students. The teachers were also acquainted with various means and ways to deviate the children from using too much of gadgets into fruitful learning.

Every child is an artist-Excellia School

Every child is an artist

“Every child is an artist, keeping this in mind and to explore the creative potential in the young minds of our children Excellia hosted venue for the Drawing Competition on 28.11.2018 with the theme ‘Cultural The diversity of India’ sponsored by Faber Castell. The children showcased their creative skills in Drawing and coloring. This fun-filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all students of Grade I to IX.
Excellia took part in an Inter school Folk Dance competition

Excellia took part in an Inter school Folk Dance competition held on 1st December 2018

“Dance is the Hidden language of the soul.” Folk Dancing is a
wonderful way to introduce young children to the world’s rich diversity. To spread the message of socialism and showcase the hidden talents, the young children of Excellia took part in an Inter-school Folk Dance competition held on 1 st December 2018. The students wore colorful ethnic attires and showed their talents with their excellent performance. The audience was enthralled with their expressions and moves. The students of excellian won the 1 st position and it was indeed a spectacular show and also a memorable one too.
24th Yuva Mahotsav organized by Excellia School under Lucknow Mahotsav on 17th November 2018

24th Yuva Mahotsav organized by Excellia School under Lucknow Mahotsav on 17th November 2018

Excellia School proudly rendered its campus to host the
preliminary round of 24th Yuva Mahotsav organized under
Lucknow Mahotsav on 17th November 2018. Participants from
all over Lucknow swarmed in to showcase their dancing skills.
Each one danced on foot tapping numbers and presented their
best performances. There were various categories of dance like
Folk, Filmy, Duet, Remix and Trio, and each participant
presented a scintillating dance performance on the same. The
judge Ms. Nivedita Banerjee & Guest of honor Mr. Mayank
Ranjan, Mr. Asheesh Pathak, Ms. Shalini Pathak, and Ms. Sonia
Vardhan appreciated all the participants who showcased their
hidden talent in a spectacular way.
Children’s Day celebrated by Excellia School 2018

Children’s Day celebrated by Excellia School 2018

Children are mirrors, they reflect back to us all we say and do.
Children’s Day was celebrated with gaiety and fervor at Excellia
School on 14th November 2018. The day began with a colorful
vista of activities organized for Excellians. The little blooming
buds of Excellia were thrilled with joy and thoroughly enjoyed
watching the movie ‘The Baby Boss’. The teachers made the
day special, as they had a lot of fun-filled activities lined up for
students like dance performances and songs which fully
engrossed the students. Some wonderful games were also
organized for the students. Students actively got involved in spontaneous games and bagged the prizes. Finally towards the
end of the programme snacks were served to the children and
they enjoyed eating the yummy snacks. The Principal Ms. Sonia
Vardhan wished all the happiness for the children and blessed
them with health and success.
the students celebrated “Diwali” on 5th November’2018, in Excellia School Campus

The students celebrated “Diwali” on 5th November 2018, in Excellia School Campus.

The Pre-Primary wing wore a festive look as the students
celebrated “Diwali” on 5th November 2018, in Excellia School
Campus. The significance of the day was brought out through
class discussions. ‘Diya Decoration’ activity was organized for
the students of each wing. They were also made aware of the
hazards of bursting crackers and were advised to refrain from
bursting crackers. The little children promised to celebrate a
Safe Diwali.
Intra Dance Competition was organized by Excellia School (13) -excellia-

Intra Dance Competition was organized by Excellia School

With the aim of honing the inherent dancing skills of the student, an Intra Dance Competition was organized by Excellia School for students of class 1st to 9th on 3rd November 2018 in the school campus. The vivacious dancers set the floor on fire with their energetic performances. The spectators bore witness to the enthusiasm and energy of the young dancers as they enthralled everyone with their performance. The adjudicators, Ms.Sonia Vardhan, and Mrs.Shalini Pathak highly complimented the efforts put in by the students. The winners were given certificates for their scintillating performances
The tiny tots presented their rhymes with confidence excellia school excellia

The tiny tots presented their rhymes with confidence

“Poem Recitation is a mode of expression a medium to reflect the latent talents of the young ones.” Keeping this in mind Rhyme competition was conducted in a pre-primary wing on 26-10-2018. The tiny tots presented their rhymes with confidence. The curiosity to stand in front of the mike and recite it loudly so as to mark their presence made everyone watch them in gaze. Variety of interesting rhymes with good introductions about themselves flew from young ones.
Nimay Tekwani

Nimay Tekwani

Nimay Tekwani of class 5th has made Excellia School & Excellia Sports Academy proud by becoming the youngest player of Lucknow Cricket Association. He was given 40% of expenses Sponsorship by A2 Academy’s CEO Mr. Arindam Agarwal on 13th October 2018
Valmiki Jayanti

Valmiki Jayanti

Morning assembly is a powerful way to instill discipline and
also sets a joyful and focused tone for the day. The students are
able to understand a big picture of their learning and school life.
Pargat Divas or Valmiki Jayanti is an Annual Indian Festival
celebrated to commemorate the birth of the ancient Poet and
philosopher Valmiki Ji.
So the students of class IV took the initiative to share few
thoughts about the great poet. The students could understand
that if they want to hold a standing position in life then they
need to be dedicated towards their goal. Students were inspired
by his great works and got motivated to do good in life.
Ansh Khorana of class III displaying his winning shield (1)

Ansh Khorana of class III displaying his winning shield

Ansh Khorana of class III displaying his winning shield and certificate. Ansh represented Excellia School under 11Age group in CBSE cluster in Swimming at Sri Suryadeo Singh Smriti School Gurukulam Dhanbad Jharkhand from 11 October ’18 till 15 October ’18. He bagged 3 rd position in Breast Stroke and 2nd Position in Freestyle. The Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan Congratulated him and wished him luck for future endeavors.
APJ Abdul Kalam Birth anniversary

APJ Abdul Kalam Birth anniversary

A high-quality school assembly is one of the most important aspects of a school’s curriculum. It powerfully nurtures the development of interpersonal intelligence. It’s been a year since the country bid an emotional farewell to President APJ Abdul Kalam. The students shared the through about his work, love for his nation and the efforts made by him to make the society a better place. They were motivated and strived to work to their potential and increase their performance thereby multiplying further their potential.

Dussehra Celebration 2018

India is known as a land of festivals and celebrations. ‘Dussehra is one of them which has been unique in its perception and significance. Students of Excellia celebrated Dussehra in the school premises on 16.10.2018 with great enthusiasm and energy. In the morning assembly, students spoke about the significance of the festival and how it is celebrated across the country. The students also made a model of ‘Ravana’.Dandiya, a traditional dance was presented by the primary students in a graceful manner. The beautiful dance they presented with the sticks was appreciated by all. The celebration was to mark Lord Rama’s Victory over Ravana and to reinforce the message that good always triumphs over evil. The chairman Mr. – D.S.Pathak lit the effigy of Ravana while the students watched gleefully. Everyone was in a state of absolute bliss.
assembly of excellia

Assembly of Excellia School – Best School in Lucknow

The morning sets the day and the assembly paves the way for our students to rejuvenate their spirits, remain rooted in the moral values and unleash their vitality. The serene early morning hours welcomes one and all to the school campus as the premise resounds with the school prayer, ‘Where the mind is without fear and the head is held………let my country awake. ‘followed by the pledge, thought of the day and news headline .T he well planned assembly conducted class wise clarifies school activities and programmes, focusing on important days. Every child is given the opportunity and the platform to display their talents and showcase themselves individually. We believe the morning assembly plays an incredible role to develop a feeling of affiliation and unity among students. help prayer, a disciplined, good social behavior desired in a cultured society and facilitate the moral and religious development of students. “Every child is a flower of its own kind and all together they make this world a beautiful garden”. We take pride in creating an ambience for learning that invigorates and unfolding the true potential of every child, right from assembly time .we call it –“Praying and paving our way to excellence”
“We are proud of them” (1)

We are proud of them

Students of class V enthusiastically participated in making a chart on the Nobel Prize awardees on 10.10.2018 who contributed their efforts in inventing so many things like the phone, electricity, in the field of medical and so on for all those Things that have made our lives better and easier.
Excellia Celebrates Dan Utsav 2018 (8)

Excellia Celebrates Dan Utsav 2018

Excellia School took an initiative to gap the abridgment of communal disarray by organizing“Dan Utsav” on 6 th October 2018. The School supports the “Education of a Girl Child” and in coordination with Pure India Trust, it provides career mentoring and skill training. Pure India Trust is a not-for-profit charitable organization that has many success stories to back its origination. To name a few,  mobilization for women entrepreneurship development, housewives empowerment, helping out people with blood cancer along with many other. The School distributed jute bags to the parents that were stitched by the self-help group supported by Pure India NGO. The school collected the donations and the proceedings were directed entirely to the NGO. The Director Mr.Asheesh Pathak and Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan appreciated the gesture of the parents who donated wholeheartedly to uplift the conditions of underprivileged children.
Excellia School in coordination with Pure India Trust (NGO) (4)

Excellia School in coordination with Pure India Trust (NGO)

Excellia School in coordination with Pure India Trust (NGO) organized a career guidance workshop for its students on 7 th October’18. Mr. Prashant Paul co-founder of Pure India and Mr. Nishant Dubey also associated with the Trust were the guests of honor who facilitated the students with the right pathway to direct their career.  Pure India Trust is a charitable Organization that has many success stories attached to it. The Trust works towards upliftment of the society and contributed extensively towards mobilization for Women entrepreneurship development, child education of underprivileged students to name a few. The workshop left everyone inspired. The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak felicitated the mentors as a token of gratitude. The principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan presented a token of thanks to everyone in making the workshop a resounding success. The workshop concluded with the parents and the children feeling motivated.
Kiddies Paint their moods in shades of blue(2)

Kiddies Paint their moods in shades of blue

The Kindergarten section of Excellia School celebrated Blue Day on 5 October 2018. It was a pleasant and a cool blue day for the tiny tots. The significance of blue color was reiterated through a series of activities. The dress code of the day was blue. Excitement and enthusiasm were visible everywhere. All the children came dressed up in different shades and hues of blue.
“Blue – the color of loyalty, strength wisdom and truth had a very positive impact on tiny tots. Blue Day was an amazing learning experience which had a long-lasting effect on each student. Early identification of colors helped to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is an important part of a child’s development.


School years are one of the best opportunities in which students get to explore new activities, try different things, and see what are they passionate about. Whether it is inside the classroom or outside it students start to get a better idea of who they are and what drives them. The word “extracurricular “ can be broken down into its roots for a literal explanation.” Extra “ means “outside” and “curricular “ refers to all of the work you do in the classroom. The Extracurricular activities include visual & performing arts, clubs, sports, workshops, competitions and other pursuits. Excellia School offers several opportunities in extracurricular activities, as we believe in the overall development of students, be it academics or allowing them to explore & develop their talent, leadership skills & passion. It also allows students to show involvement with our community. Excellia loves to see that the students are active & positively contribute to their community. We conduct several activities in which a student can develop the leadership quality as well as team spirit. While clubs like music & dramatics provide a platform for budding artists. On the other hand, the sports club offer various sports like chess, taekwondo, cricket & Basketball that helps the young students explore their inner sportsman & help them build a strong human being both physically & mentally. We also, conduct various kinds of a workshop to boost their morale as well as help them to find their field of interest. Excellia allows and encourages the students to participate in activities to give them a route to make new friends, develop a new interest, and deepen their social and intellectual growth. We focus on nurturing children academically, spiritually, physically emotionally and socially.