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gandhi jayant (1)

Gandhi Jayanti

As rightly said, “A man is but the products of his thoughts, What he thinks, he becomes.”To commemorate Gandhi Jayanti, Excellia School conducted a special assembly on 1 st October for the same. The children gave a speech in which they primarily spoke about the Father Of Our Nation “Gandhi ji”
He was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar India. Gandhi’s real name was Mohandas. He is called Mahatma because Mahatma means. ‘Great soul’ and was called this for his mind on the matter of Indian rights. He contributed tirelessly and selflessly in India’s freedom struggle for Independence. His ideas were Satya (truth) and ahimsa (non-violence). He was the harbinger of hope for not only India but the world. One of the profound quotes by Mahatma Gandhi was “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

hindi diwas

 हिन्दी दिवस के अवसर पर एक्सीलिया स्कूल में  “कविता पाठ ” तथा  “अनुच्छेद  लेखन” प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया । इस प्रतियोगिता में सभी वर्ग के छात्र – छात्राओं ने बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया । कक्षा एक से चार तक के विध्यर्थियों ने कविता का पाठ किया तथा कक्षा पांच से नौ तक के विध्यर्थियों ने दिये गये शीर्षकों पर अनुच्छेद लिखकर अपने लेखन कौशल का प्रदर्शन किया।
सभी कार्यक्रमों के साथ हिन्दी दिवस बड़े ही उत्साह से मनाया  गया ।

Infrastructure of School

School, being the second home serves a number of purposes in a child’s life, From boosting their confidence in making them learn the importance of teamwork and socialization, school do it all. Away from homeschool become the place for children to spend their maximum time. Kids are sent to school considering the fact that there is an experienced hand to guide them and also a safe environment promoting their growth. We also accept the fact that infrastructure plays a building hand is creating a favourable environment for a child’s growth.T hat is why we have the best infrastructure which includes school building, classrooms, playground, library, computer lab, Activity rooms, auditorium. Spacious and refurbished building and air-conditioned classrooms create an environment that not only assures learning. The school caters to hone the overall development of the child. Our school has the well-planned infrastructure which is an out and out key factor in effective teaching and learning. We have well-equipped labs that enable the students to perform lab activities more effectively. Facilities like extracurricular activities, workshop’s, libraries, halls, games equipment, assembly area and proper sanitation are an inevitable part of the child’s learning phase which is induced with utmost priority at the school. These are some of the infrastructural enhancement that facilitates the learning capabilities of children.
Excellia School As Second Home

Excellia School As Second Home

School is a temple of learning where a student, the guardian and the society, in harmony, endeavour to make it a place of pursuit for education, a sadhana, where the spring of punctuality, sanctity, and thirst for knowledge flows. In order to achieve this goal Excellia School has moulded itself into a Second Home
for its students, where the teachers are the second mothers or fathers. Here the students are not only worked upon in going knowledge but are also guided towards developing behaviour and personality. Here students are learning to be somebody in the society and to become a responsible citizen of the country just like what a child is taught at home to be good and strive for excellence here at Excellia we enable, encourage and promote goodness, righteousness and other qualities among its students. Here the students not only gain knowledge but are also able to apply them
in their daily routine. They learn how to act and behave in every situation. Excellia School tries to solve the shape and role of the society for the students where they have to step in future.
Our society is like a huge jigsaw puzzle…… and it’s the school and educator who put these pieces together.
Here we are a big family, a second family where we live together with love and harmony. In this school, we do second changes…. We apologize…we forgive, we respect each other, we keep our promises, we never give up, we encourage one another, and we laugh often. We belong. We are a big family.
Plantation Drive By Excellia School 2018

Excellia’s Role In Creating Cleanliness Awareness in school

School not only imparts knowledge but also plays a major role in shaping the personality of an individual. Apart from knowledge, the student learns lessons of discipline. Honesty and cleanliness from school. There is a popular saying which says, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” which implies that being clean is a sign of spiritual purity and goodness. Excellia plays a vital role in creating cleanliness awareness amongst our young Excellent. It motivates the students to keep their surrounding green and clean by undertaking plantation drive. The school voluntarily organizes various awareness programmes such as poster making, painting competition, rally and special assemblies educate students for creating cleanliness. They take a pledge toward creating a clean India by keeping their surroundings clean. Special efforts to be focused on Pre-Primary students, keeping this fact in mind that the habit of cleanliness begins from early childhood which leads them to be a better and responsible citizen of the nation. Subordinate staff are there to clean every nook and corner of the school especially the toilets to maintain the hygiene.“Eat healthy say no to junk! Be hygienic say no to dirt.” It is essential to learn healthy eating habits and good hygiene, from a young age with the aim to spread cleanliness. The objective of Excellent Cleanliness Drive is to achieve a better environment for learning, more effective teaching and fever absenteeism due to sickness.
kindergarten school in lucknow-excellia school

Kindergarten School in Lucknow-Excellia School

     A child is first introduced to the world in the form of kindergarten and this place should bring out the best in them. A 3year old develops habits through his surroundings and people. A teacher plays an important role in moulding a child at this tender age. Schooling the second home serves a number of purposes in a child’s life. Away from home, schools become the place for children to spend their maximum time. Our school creates an environment that not only assures learning but also pays special attention to the mental and physical well-being of students. It is proven that overcrowded and stressful environment can affect the learning capabilities of children keeping this in mind our school focuses on a distinctive feature of student and teacher ratio i.e. 15:1. It also consists of spacious and well-ventilated classrooms, well-equipped labs to perform the activities more effectively which helps the students in learning effectively. As this is not a corporate space, children can have a code of discipline with a little goofiness at times. We maintain the joyous environment by bringing in special activities that help the child grow mentally as well as physically. Our teachers help the students in their activities to establish a friendly relation. We try to inculcate a habit of sharing and working in a team and developing them through practical situations through various activities. We strive to create a lively and fresh environment for the children to eliminate boredom and introduce a dynamic setting for extensive growth and development. A kindergarten should not have a monotonous theme so that they experience unique ways of learning and their curiosity never dies. The normal human tendency is to question every aspect of life and us as an institution try to encourage this propensity.
Plantation Drive By Excellia School 2018

Plantation Drive By Excellia School 2018

 “Protecting our environment is the need of the our”A plantation drive was organized at Excellia School for the students of Pre-Primary on 20.09.18 to create awareness and spread the message of saving our earth. Our Tiny Tots planted different types of saplings inside the school campus. Children showed great enthusiasm for planting and they knew their hard work would recharge groundwater, prevent soil erosion, the forest will become dense and yield more benefits.

Stellaring Excellia

Education Is An Important Tool

Education is an important tool that is applied to the contemporary world to succeed, as it mitigates the challenges which are faced in life.Excellia School is playing a paramount role in the world of education. Excellia aims to ensure that child excels in all aspects of life, not just in academics but in diverse activities like sports, chess etc. It also embeds value education to their students. For holistic development of the student, Excellia School believes that moral education should not be neglected. For this, our School has monthly moral education plan and topics. Students also play skits, drama etc in School assembly based on the topics of moral values.As we know about the recent increase in the number of assault cases due to the lack of moral education in the society, thus. To prevent any kind of mishappening  Excellia School is also focusing on the safety and security of the students by having cameras installed in each and every classroom and corridors. The school has separate male and female guard for outsiders, washrooms, buses etc. For the better safety and Security school has also the provision of RFID. Through RFID School ensures the presence of students in the school premises and the attendance of the students are sent to the parents by SMS. Teachers of Excellia School are also very possessive for their student’s security


Best CBSE School in Lucknow

Best CBSE School in Lucknow

Excellia School is one of the best CBSE school in Lucknow. Despite its young incumbency, it is staunchly regarded as the best CBSE school in Lucknow. Excellia School is one of those schools in Lucknow that provide the perfect ambiance and the aura to help a student nurture and grow. Every child is special, and at Excellia School, they get the right environment to blossom and to learn creatively. Excellia School provides the best teaching experience that makes it the best CBSE school in Lucknow. It has some of the best-in-class facilities for students and teachers, both, and the activities are also exhilarating. The school is based on the ideology that all students should be taught creatively and multifunctional skills should be instilled in them. It is because of this that a lot of people regard Excellia School as the best school in Lucknow. The prime motto of Excellia School is to make every student sound, creative and smart. Be a part of the Excellia fraternity today.

Excellia School Best CBSE School in Lucknow
School Infrastructure

An infrastructure of Excellia School – Top Rated School in Lucknow

Excellia School is best CBEE School in Lucknow and great overall. The teaching methodology, the ambiance, and the infrastructure are at par with some of the leading schools in India. It has some of the finest facilities, and the overall infrastructure is great. The school building is big with air-conditioned classrooms and airy vestibules. The classrooms are big, with all kinds of facilities like – smart classrooms, comfortable seating, blackboards/whiteboards, and fire extinguishers. It is because of all these facilities that Excellia School is regarded as the best school in Lucknow.

The Best CBSE School In Lucknow with Library

The school boasts of an enormous library that has over 5000 books. It has been well-stocked to meet with the needs of all the students. Newspapers (Hindi and English, both) can also be found over here, to keep the students aware of the daily events. Apart from all that, textbooks, novels, story books and a variety of magazines can also be found over here. Schools are regarded as a temple of knowledge and Excellia is one of the best schools in Lucknow.

School Library
Smart Classes

Smart Classes

Excellia School is the best CBSE school in Lucknow and Smart Classes play a vital role in it. The school has over 10 Smart Classrooms that are equipt with the latest technology for creative learning. The faculty members are specially trained to teach the students on these computer-powered devices. With these audio/video systems, students can learn effectively and thoroughly.


Excellia School, the best CBSE school in Lucknow has well-equipped labs. There are physics, chemistry, and biology labs, along with computer labs as well. Since the curriculum is more practical orient, the students enjoy the application of the theoretical knowledge.

School Laboratories

Sports and Recreation

We, at Excellia School, believe that education without sports, co-curricular and recreation is not worthwhile. Thus, there are a lot of activities where the students enjoy taking part in. There are professionally trainer sports teachers for indoor and outdoor games. Sports like cricket, basketball, football, table tennis, and swimming are some of the popular highlights at Excellia School, the best school in Lucknow. Apart from that, there are also dance classes, yoga classes and much more.

Under 13 District Chess Championship 2018
Excellia School Transportation and Conveyance

Transportation and Conveyance

Excellia School, the best CBSE school in Lucknow and we also have a convoy of well-equipped buses. The buses have full features like CCTV, fire extinguishers, drinking water and much more. The conveyance is inexpensive and affordable. Be a part of Excellia School, the best CBSE schools in Lucknow.

Achieve Excellence with Excellia CBSE School in Lucknow

The learning experience is amazing over here. The teachers are veterans in their field of knowledge. We hire only the best of the best to help the young minds blossom and nurture. Our aim here, at Excellia School, is to provide the best education in the most creative of ways so that the student is able to face life effortlessly. Thus, with our ways of teaching, students can learn better and statistically, they perform better.

With our excellent, highly trained facility, students will have a great time in learning and understanding everything. Providing education in a co-ed environment, all the students can interact and learn from each other. Excellia is a temple for education and learning. We focus on a more practical approach towards learning rather than the trivial methods. With our methods, students get a better understanding of subjects that help them in becoming the leaders of tomorrow.

Thus, we, at Excellia School, the best school in Lucknow offer the best facilities and infrastructure that ensure the proper development of the student. An overall sound and developed mind stand tall everywhere. This quality of education will benefit both the student and the society forever, and ever.

Be a part of Excellia School – the best CBSE school in Lucknow, today.


Stellaring Excellia

Stellaring Excellia

Stellar Excellia

We feel upstanding that in Lucknow there is pronounced course when it comes to schools for kids. So we get tremendously thrilled when we look up at ‘Excellia’ who has opened its doors to make options even encyclopedic. Excellia School is not a silver bullet kind of school though it has a manifest scholastic curriculum attuned to address every individual child’s strength and weakness. Plus, with a student to teacher ratio of 15:1 which means there’s no hiding at the back of the classroom, and also it builds up a strong connection with the teacher and the student. The school encircles heartening love for learning in the students in an engaging environment. We embrace the intellectual and academic needs of gifted and highly –motivated students, while still rendering a sound backbone for their emotional, creative and social needs. As each day we move on to a new stage in life which is a challenging process. We wish our students Good luck in the future endeavours.

Ensuring Excellence For Every Student
Excellia School is building a portfolio of high- quality. Experience excellent teaching and learning in every classroom, at our school. This work reflects the priorities of Excellia School to ensure. High-quality curricular and instruction that increases learning.Effective, supported staff.High-quality, collaborative work, and the learning environment. The resulting framework emphasizes the essential elements of our school that is successful in helping all students achieve academically and helping them to be caring, contributing, productive and responsible citizens. These dual missions, educating the hearts and educating the minds of youth are considered of equal importance in a school’s quest to be successful.“The pathway to educational excellence lies within our school”.The best school in Lucknow.
Stellaring Excellia

Tech Excellians

Tech Excellians

“There is a grave defeat in the school where the playground suggests happy and classroom disagreeable thoughts”.

In the current scenario, education is technology driven and educational institutes are adopting various technical aspects to improve the working atmosphere and simplify day-to-day work as well.

To create that environment, Excellia has introduced the school app ‘Excellia School App’ which is a one-touch solution. Where on the snap of your finger one can access their ward’s profile can get all the information regarding their child.

Excellia school App is providing all the needed data that is required. No matter where you are, you are just one touch away from all the particulars you want to access. It is the unique feature which Excellia School provides.

As its name denotes: Excellia (Explore, Achieve, Excel), it has paved its way into the bright and shining future of the students.

About school



Grandparents Day Celebration 2018

“Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories, and love”.

Grandparents play a very special role in every child’s life. They are the foundation laid for the grooming of introspective self-consciousness of the children. Excellia School Celebrated Grandparents Day on 15th September to honor the contributions and selfless love of grandparents. The programme started with a melodious welcome song by the students of Playgroup and Nursery which was followed by humorous games of garland making for grandfathers and sorting rajma from other pulses by grandmothers. The grandparents were overwhelmed to see the video screening where their grandchildren were rendering their love for them. The programme commenced further with foot tapping dance performance by K.G students. Post the dance grandfathers were called to display their mustaches and grandmothers were called to showcase their hairdos. The students of K.G then presented a wonderful song to show their love for their grandparents. The Chairman, Mr. D. S. Pathak felicitated the winners of best mustaches and hairdo and honored the most aged grandparent present amongst the guests. The Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan presented a token of thanks to everyone for making the event special. The Chairman, Mr. D.S. Pathak’s wife being unwell was unable to attend the function, though she sent a small message dedicated to all the grandparents. Besides our honorable Chief Guest Mr. D.S Pathak, our Director Mr. Ashish Pathak and Ma’am,  Mr. Shekhar  Varshney our General Manager were there to witness the programme.  All the guests left on a happy note with their grandchildren with a snack box to conclude the day happily.

  Grandparents-Celebration-Excellia-School-2018 (16) Grandparents-Celebration-Excellia-School-2018 Grandparents-Celebration-Excellia-School-2018 Grandparents-Celebration-Excellia-School-2018 Grandparents-Celebration-Excellia-School-2018 (16)


Excellia- The Genesis


“He, who opens the school door, closes a prison”.

-Victor Hugo.

School is a temple of learning. A child can only be
nurtured well when he gets the right ambience to let his
imagination fly. Excellia School the genesis of education
gives the child a foundation of letting his imagination soar
to new heights. The school firmly puts forth its vision
which is to aim: – aim towards the goal, achieve: – achieve
the goal set forth and excel: – post achieving what matters
is the excellence. Excellence to attain complete persona.
The school creates a niche in the academic world. The
right pedagogical approach and to top it all, the
atmosphere in the school is conducive to hone the child’s
personality. The school firmly believes that holistic
development is requisite to develop the child’s intellect.
Amalgamating teacher’s guidance and child’s willingness
to learn is what is done at Excellia School to yield the
fruitful results. The School firmly believes that the
fundamental purpose of the school is learning, not

September Events Updates


Shapath to Clean India Green India 2018

Shapath to Clean India Green India 2018


The student of Excellia School organized a rally to make the neighborhood aware of cleanliness with the slogan “Clean India Green India”. They awarded ”. that plastic is non-biodegradable and does not decay by the biological actions of microbes. They remain in some state as we throw.

The entire rally was concluded peripheral all around in the vicinity.

Teacher's Day Celebration 2018

Teacher’s Day Celebration 2018

“Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.”

The students of Excellia School rendered their gratitude to their teachers by organizing a wonderful program. The teachers were overwhelmed with the scintillating dance performance and stage play enactment by the students. They organized entertaining games for their teachers and also gave them interesting titles. The director Mr. Ashish Pathak gave a motivational speech in which he told about the importance of a teacher or a guru. The titles were conferred by Ms.  Shalini Pathak. Administrative staff was felicitated by General Manager Mr. Shekhar Varshney. The program concluded by presenting gifts to the teachers by Ms. Shalini Pathak.

Chess workshop by Coach G.B Joshi

Chess workshop by Coach G.B Joshi

Excellia School conducted a Chess workshop From 31st August’18 to 3rd September’18 in which Students Participated in the guidance of Coach G.B Joshi. In which they learned master strokes of chess by him. In the closing ceremony, Excellia School’s Director Mr. Ashish Pathak and The General Manager Mr. Shekhar honored Mr. G.B Joshi and all the chess students.


Janmashtami Celebration in Excellia School 2018

Janmashtami Celebration in Excellia School 2018

“Experience Cold or heat, pleasure or pain. These experiences are fleeting; they come and go. Bear them patiently.”

From Bhagwat Gita

Excellia School celebrated Janmashtami on 1st September ’18in a peculiar way. The tableau in the front looked eloquent. The pre-primary students looked adorable decked up as Radha Krishna. The students decorated the Matka handi beautifully. Figurines of Lord Krishna looked mesmerizing.

The students presented a scintillating dance performance. Director Sir & ma’am Mr&Mrs Ashish Pathak, Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan and General Manager Mr. Shekhar Varshney marked their presence to uplift the student’s morals. It was an enthralling performance which was enjoyed by everyone.

The programme concluded happily with the distribution of sweets to the children

Major Dhyan Chand Birthday Celebration 2018

Major Dhyan Chand Birthday Celebration 2018

Major Dhyan Chand Birthday Celebration 2018

Major Dhyanchand also was known as the wizard, the Magician of Hockey is considered as the greatest Hockey player in the history of the sport. His birthday on 29th August’18 was commemorated in Excellia School by showing a small documentary on his life. The students enjoyed the session. The facilitator of the school briefed the students about the life of Major Dhyanchand.

Rakhi Celebration 2018

Rakhi Celebration 2018

Rakhi Celebration 2018

Rakhi is the thread that binds two souls in a bond of joy forever. A love between a brother and a sister is one of the deepest and noblest of human emotions.

Excellia School organized rakhi celebration on 24th Aug ’18 with the Theme ‘together We Bond’.

The students prepared rachis to tie on each other’s wrists to live up to the theme of bonding together & giving the message of universal fraternity and respecting each, other.

The students prepared decorative and beautiful rakhis that were adorned with sparkles and glitters. The students tied rakhis to the Principal and the Management to show that the virtuous relation should be shared with everyone. The principal Ms.Sonia Vardhan appreciated the effort put in by the students in preparing them Rakhi Celebration 2018 rakhi’s and showing their zeal and high spirit for the activity.

Independence Day celebration at excellia school 2018

Independence Day celebration at excellia school 2018

Gaiety and Patriotic Fervor marked the nation’s Independence Day celebration at excelled school Lucknow. Amalgamation of various programmes represented in the manner to showcase the sovereignty of our Nation . The esteemed chairman, Mr. D.S. Pathak unfurled the flag and all in unison sang the National Anthem. The programme commenced with a patriotic dance performance expressing the joy of Independence.  Suyash   of  class 7th presented a speech. A scintillating Nukkad Natak was then presented by the students signifying the importance of the day. The speech by Navya of class 5th highlighted the achievements of India since Independence . The students of Pre-primary sang a patriotic song and told the significance of colours in National Flag. The students of Pre-Primary were dressed in saffron white and green. The director, Mr. Ashish Pathak imported words of wisdom by emphasizing blood donation and other such humanely work that could benefit the society by large. The principal Ms.Sonia Vardhan presented a vote of thanks and through her inspiring words focused on the role that we can play for bringing about  a change in the society. Plantation drive was also conducted on the day.

The students left on a happy note by receiving lads from the school.


Medication for deworming

Medication for deworming to its students on 10th Aug’18 as per the direction and guidelines given by Uttar Pradesh State Government. The Students were called along with their parents for administering the medicines as per their consent.