All posts by admin

Labour Day Celebration 2018

Labour Day Celebration 2018

“All Labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence”- Martin Luther King Jr.

Labour Day is celebrated all over the world to honour the hard work  done by the labourers as well as to honour those who went out of their way to fight for the rights of the labourers. Excellia School celebrated labours day in its own unique way with the students dedicating a song and a dance performance to all the support staff members of the school.

The director Mr. Asheesh Pathak marked his presence to uplift the morale of the supporting staff. There were games organized for them and the winners were awarded accordingly.

The General Manager Mr.Shekhar Varshney and the Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan felicitated the supporting employees of the school as a token of appreciation for their righteous services for the school.


Final Poster Making 2018 (5)

Poster Making 2018

To develop the intricate sensitivities and deep moral values towards the nature and our Mother Earth, Excellia School organized Inter House Poster/Collage making Competition from Classes I to IX . The students participated enthusiastically and prepared beautiful collages and picturesque posters on the theme Earth Day depicting the condition of the Earth if the natural resources are hampered.”

Rendezvous with Grandmaster Praveen Thipsay (7)

Rendezvous with Grandmaster Praveen Thipsay

Excellia school overwhelmingly welcomed Chess Grandmaster Mr. Praveen Thipsay to the school. The students were enthralled to have a rendezvous with him. They were excited to ask  him questions about his journey, his passion for chess etc. Mr. Thipsay answered all their queries with poise and ease. Thereafter , he played chess with 20 selected players simultaneously. It was a nerve  wrenching match and A. Vamsi Krishna who was one of the contestants , was able to win his game against Mr. Thipsay.

The school Vice Chairperson Mrs. Manju Pathak, The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak and The Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan presented a memento to Mr. Thipsay as a token of gratitude for taking his precious time out and playing with the participants.

Opulent Conclusion of Smt. A.D Pathak memorial open Excellia Chess Championship (24)

Opulent Conclusion of Smt. A.D Pathak memorial open Excellia Chess Championship

The second and the final day of the two day chess championship held at Excellia School saw a gush of emotions as the participants were eagerly waiting for the declaration of the result. Pawan Bathm bagged the Championship trophy outnumbering other candidates by scoring 6.5 points. Medhansh Saxena , Ravi Shankar and Raghvanshu Mishra scored  6 points each with the tie break points declaring Medhansh as first runner up , Ravi Shankar second runner up and Raghvanshu third runner up respectively. Rama Shankar and Skand Tripathi scored equal points with 5.5 each however going by the tie break Rama Shankar bagged fifth and Skand sixth position respectively. In the school team category DPS, Eldeco bagged the winning trophy with Excellia School at the second position and Stella Marris College at third position. Medhansh Saxena, Divyansh Pandey, Suryansh Singh and Rishabh Yadav were the position holders from Excellia School. The segregation of winners was done as per their particular age groups, open categories and school teams. The School Chairperson Mr. D.S.Pathak, Vice-Chairperson Ms. Manju Pathak, The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak and The Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan felicitated the winners.  The program was concluded with the Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak presenting a thanks giving speech for concluding the event in a sumptuous manner.

Story Telling

Story Telling

Children have an innate love for stories. Stories create magic and teach us about life. A big advantage of listening to stories is  that it enhances a child’s vocabulary and imagination. Excellia  school (pre-primary) organized an activity of “Story- Telling” on 20th April,2018 which was based on the theme ”Balloon Story”. Balloons of different colour were used as props. Different scenes of the story along with their captions were pasted on the balloons in sequential order. Along with the props voice –modulation was also used by the pre- primary teachers.

The kids were very happy and delighted to listen to the story as they were creating their new world by imagination. They enjoyed the session to the core and wanted to have more of it.

World Heritage Day

World Heritage Day

World Heritage Day is celebrated to protect and preserve the valuable monuments. This special day offers an opportunity to raise the public awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as  draw attention to its vulnerability.

A special assembly was conducted by Excellians on 17th April, 2018 to make the students aware and esteem our national Heritage.

A.D Pathak Memorial Open Excellia Chess Champinship (3)

Smt. A.D Pathak Memorial Open Excellia Chess Championship

Excellia School hosted Smt. AD Pathak Memorial Open Excellia Chess Championship in its school premises opening of which was on 21st April 2018. The two day championship was inaugurated by Mr. D.S. Pathak, the school chairman by paying tribute to Late Smt. A.D Pathak in whose name the championship has been dedicated. The program commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the Chairman Mr D.S Pathak, The Director Mr. Ashish Pathak & Mrs. Shalini Pathak and the Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan which was succeeded by Rishika Bhattacharya and Shradha Yadav making the first moves to flag off the event. The event saw a throng of parents with enthusiastic participants settling to start with their games.

Chess Championship trophies

Unveiling the trophies of Smt.A.D. Pathak Memorial Open Excellia Chess Championship

The trophies for Smt. A.D. Pathak memorial Open Excellia Chess
Championship were unveiled on Wednesday at Excellia School by the
Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak ,Mrs. Shalini Pathak and the Principal Mrs
.Sonia Vardhan. The unveiling saw the presence of the teachers , the
staff and the coaches from Excellia Sports Academy marking from
taekwondo coach Mr Faizal Khan, chess coach Mr Ravi Shankar, cricket
coach Mr Sonu Prajapathi and table tennis coach Mr Aviral.
The Championship will be held on 21 st and 22 nd April,2018 respectively.
The prize money of Rs 25,100 will be given to the winner along with
trophies under 5 categories like under-7 , under-9 ,under-11 , under-13
and under -15 age groups. There would be 36 other trophies that would
be distributed amongst the winners

Chess Championship trophies

Brainy and Brawny at Excellia

The students of Excellia School proved their intellectual prowess at Brain O Brain Championship.

Bertina of class K.G. ,Jewel of Class I and Ishan Singh of class IV won the champions trophy at district level in their particular age group category respectively.

radio city excellia school 2018

Excellia at Radio City

The students of Excellia had a test of taste with the personnels of Radio City when they enjoyed the interview session with the RJ’s at the radio station.The RJ’s asked them about their academic experiences and what all things they enjoy being at school to which the students answered enthusiastically.The Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan was also interviewed about the school and the pedagogical implementations that are done in the school.

radio city excellia school 2018

Smile Day EXCELLIA SCHOOL 2018 (7)

Smile Day Celebration 2018

‘One person’s smile can change the world. May be not the whole world but their small world start now’

Excellia school (pre primary ) organized an activity  Smile day. Keep smiling through out the day on each and every face is the motto of the school. We thought that people should devote one day to smiles and kind act. students understand kindness is contagious.

The excitement of the kids had no limits when they  saw the cartoon and played  games arranged by the teachers. Their excitement went more high when They ate smileys brought from home. To make this day more memorable the teachers clicked the photographs of the kids in the smiley photo booth

They got the balloons with their smiles when they  went back home. While looking at each other they all were very delighted and their happiness bounced high. We felt very happy to look at our tiny tots with their faces glazing up with smiles.

‘She/he smiles at you ,you smiles at her/him  in this way one smile makes two.’



Excellia School organized Orientation Day program on 07th April 2018 for the parents of children who were about to join primary school, middle school and high school.   The objective of orientation program was to provide an opportunity for parents to know what to expect in the coming year and also equip themselves for it.

The Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan provided an insight to all the academic implementations that are to be carried out in the entire session and explained the pattern for conducting examinations, the extracurricular activities, the support required from parents. The parents also got to know the teachers in the different classes. The orientation concluded with the parent’s interaction to clear their queries and apprehensions which were resolved with élan by the Principal.


The parents and the students of Excellia School shared their thoughts and beliefs with RJ ANSHIKA for Fever fm.

The parents put forth their opinions of what are the qualities they like in the School. The students were also asked to present their views on the role of academics, activities and their was a very interactive session that was appreciated by the parents.

Magnificent Performance by Excellians

It was a proud moment for Excellia School as the students Medhansh Saxena of class V and Advik Tripathi of class KG have won Gold and Bronze Medals Under -13 and Under 07 District Chess Championship respectively.
Divyansh Pandey of Excellia Sports Academy bagged the silver medal.
The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak and the Principal Mrs Sonia Vardhan applauded the performance of the students and commended them to Keep it up!!!!!!!

Science Exhibition organized by Excellia School

Excellia School organized Science Exhibition on the occasion of National Science Day to commemorate the legacy of Sir C V Raman who discovered Raman Effect on 28th February 1928. The students displayed various models and explained their concepts. The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak and the Principal Mrs. Sonia Vardhan commended the students’ efforts and motivated them to keep up the good work.


kids fest at excellia school

Excellia school organized Kids Fest

Excellia school organized Kids Fest on 24th February, 2018.There were a host of exciting games and fun filled activities for the children up till 8 years .The children keenly participated in the events which included singing, drawing and races. The parents and the children enjoyed to the core and applauded team efforts of the school.

excellian idol

Inter Class Singing Competition “Excellian Idol” by Excellia School

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that cannot be put into words and that cannot remain silent”

Excellia School organized an Inter Class Singing Competition “Excellian Idol “ on 17th February,2018.

It was such a wonderful performance, that the audience was convinced that great efforts were taken to present it. It was difficult for judges to declare the winners as everyone presented an exemplary performance.

The Director, Mr. Asheesh Pathak and the Principal, Mrs. Sonia Vardhan lauded the singing talent of the students and advocated that music plays an instrumental role in inculcating humane virtues and getting rid of vices and social evils.

  • The winners of the competition were:
  • Junior Category :-Atharv Tripathi
  • Middle Category:-Sachin Shukla
  • Senior Category :-Anshika Pathak
  • First Runner up’s of the competition were:
  • Junior Category :-Arnav Pandey
  • Middle Category:-Hamza Ahmad
  • Senior Category :-Tanisha Kapoor
  • Second Runner up’s of the competition were:
  • Junior Category :-Ananya Rashmi
  • Middle Category:-Ishan Singh
  • Senior Category :-Suyash G Kumar
dealing with stress

Dealing with Board Exam Stress

The students of Excellia School were showcased the speech of Honorable Prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 16th Feb,2018 at Talkatora Stadium about “Dealing with Board Exam Stress”. The session “Pariksha par charcha” was aired in all CBSE affiliated schools and the students were encouraged to share stress relieving techniques. Honorable Prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi insisted that the students should not be worried while answering exams and even charted a ”guide” for students on how to approach exams like a “warrior”. The students enjoyed the session and found it very informative.

excellians in lucknow mahotsava

Excellians in Lucknow Mahotsava

There was an enthusiastic participation by Excellians in Yuva Mahotsava (a part of Lucknow Mahotsava) organized at Awadh Shilp Gram – Shaheed Path.

They participated in different competitions and did their school proud by winning  various prizes.

Competition and their   respective Winners are as hereunder:-

a)Kalash Sajja competition was held on 31st January,2018 and Winners were

  • 1st Prize was won by Yashi Shrivastav of class V.
  • 2nd Prize was won by Ishita Singh of class VI.
  • 3rd Prize was won by Sheelu Yadav of class VIII.
  • Consolation Prize was won by Renee Chaudhary of class V.

b)Group Dance competition  was held on 31st January,2018 and Team Excellia won  2nd Prize. The Group Dance participants were

  • Divyansh , Ishitta, Renee, Yashi, Prachi, Shubh and Naitik of class V.
  • Kanishk and Niyati of class VI.
  • Nancy and Ayushi of class VIII.

c)Face Painting competition was held on 1st February,2018 and Winners were

  • 1st Prize was won by Aayushi Pathak of class VIII.
  • 2nd Prize was won by Nancy Varma of class VIII.
  • 3rd Prize was won by Kanish Mittal of class VI.
  • Consolation Prize was won by Saurabh Yadav of class VII and Ishant Verma of class VIII.

d)Group Song competition  was held on 2nd February,2018 and Team Excellia won  2nd Prize. The Group Song participants were

  • Hamza Ahmad and Ishan Singh of class III.
  • Sachin Shukla of class V.
  • Aarav Singh of Class VI.
  • Suyash G Kumar of class
  • Shuja Ahmad of class VII.
  • Aditya Yadav, Sameeksha Sood, Anshika Pathak and Tanisha Kapoor of class VIII.

We at Excellia School thank all our students and teachers for their unending support and efforts in taking the school to new heights.

Face painting competition held on 1st February,2018 ,Group Dance and Song competition held on 2nd February,2018.



Excellia School hosted the preliminary round of Yuva Mahotsav (A part of Lucknow Mahotsav) ,Group F competition based on Dance. Various participants from all over the district turned up and participated in the competition. The Director Mr. Ashish Pathak welcomed the organizers Mr. Mayank Ranjan (Convenor- Youth Festival) and the participants . The Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan and The Director Mr.Asheesh Pathak did the ceremonious lamp lighting after which the competition started .Mr Ankit Srivastava was the Judge for this event. Dance Categories in this competition were Folk, Filmy, Duet and Remix. There was a huge participation in each dance category.


The tricolour unfurled majestically and heralded the nation’s legacy at the Republic Day celebrations at Excellia School. The gaiety of the day was infused in everyone at the school. The programme commenced with the speech of the head girl proceeded by patriotic song by the school choir. The Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak enlightened the students with the history of the Republic Day and motivated them with his words of wisdom. The Chairman Mr .D.S. Pathak unfurled the flag followed with National Anthem. The Principal Ms. Sonia Vardhan applauded the student’s for enthusiastically participating in the Republic Day celebrations. The programme concluded on a happy note with the distribution of sweets that was relished by the students.


Excellia School organized cultural programme at Omaxe Residency to culminate the spirit of festivity and patriotism on the occasion of Republic Day. The programme flagged off with enthralling dance performance by Excellia students on Ganesh Vandana. Various competitions like drawing competition, dance competition and fancy dress competition was organized in which the children participated enthusiastically. The programme concluded with a scintillating performance by the students on the song “Na KaatoMujhe” which was well appreciated by the residents of Omaxe Residency.