Excellia School As Second Home

Excellia School As Second Home

School is a temple of learning where a student, the guardian and the society, in harmony, endeavour to make it a place of pursuit for education, a sadhana, where the spring of punctuality, sanctity, and thirst for knowledge flows. In order to achieve this goal Excellia School has moulded itself into a Second Home
for its students, where the teachers are the second mothers or fathers. Here the students are not only worked upon in going knowledge but are also guided towards developing behaviour and personality. Here students are learning to be somebody in the society and to become a responsible citizen of the country just like what a child is taught at home to be good and strive for excellence here at Excellia we enable, encourage and promote goodness, righteousness and other qualities among its students. Here the students not only gain knowledge but are also able to apply them
in their daily routine. They learn how to act and behave in every situation. Excellia School tries to solve the shape and role of the society for the students where they have to step in future.
Our society is like a huge jigsaw puzzle…… and it’s the school and educator who put these pieces together.
Here we are a big family, a second family where we live together with love and harmony. In this school, we do second changes…. We apologize…we forgive, we respect each other, we keep our promises, we never give up, we encourage one another, and we laugh often. We belong. We are a big family.