Workshop on Oral Dental Hygiene 2021

Dental Hygiene is an important part of keeping one’s body healthy. Keeping this in mind Dr. Priya Sharma was invited to Excellia School on 28th October for an interactive session for our students.   

She recommended some of the major steps which one should follow regularly such as   

– Brushing the teeth twice a day.  

– Replace toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, if the bristles are frayed.  

– Practice a regular oral health care routine.  

The session covered a little more intense topics for the higher classes as what is the role of saliva, the importance of a healthy diet in relation to: Teeth/ General health and what are the different types of teeth and many more.  

The children were fascinated to learn about the effective oral-health practices. By the end of the session the children promised to take good care of their teeth.