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गहना कर्मणोगति:

गहना कर्मणोगति:

(अर्थात कर्म रूपी बीज का फल एक दिन अवश्य प्राप्त होता है अतः हमें ऐसे बीज बोने चाहिए जैसे हमें फल चाहिए|)

आज एक्सीलिया स्कूल के तत्वावधान में जीवन के नैतिक मूल्यों पर एक कार्यशाला आयोजित की गई | कार्यशाला में बच्चों सहित विद्यालय के चेयर पर्सन श्री डी० एस० पाठक, श्री पुनीत पाठक, डायरेक्टर श्री आशीष पाठक, डायरेक्टर EMCC श्रीमती शालिनी पाठक, मैनेजर श्री शेखर वार्ष्णेय,खेल-कूद प्रमुख श्री प्रवीण पांडे एवं विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती प्रियंका दुबे उपस्थित थीं |

गायत्री परिवार के आचार्य श्री उमा नन्द शर्मा जी ने बच्चों को शिक्षा के महत्व के विषय में बताया| बच्चों को स्कूली शिक्षा के साथ-साथ नैतिक मूल्यों और उत्तम चरित्र निर्माण का भी ज्ञान होना चाहिए| आचार्य जी ने बच्चों में संस्कारों के महत्व पर भी बल दिया| उन्होंने बताया कि हमारे जीवन में माता-पिता और गुरुजनों के लिए सम्मान की उच्च भावना होनी चाहिए| अपनी परंपराओं को बच्चे भूलें नहीं इस पर विद्यालय स्तर पर कार्यशालाएँ आयोजित की जानी चाहिए| बच्चों ने आचार्य जी द्वारा कही गई ज्ञानवर्धक बातों को बहुत ही ध्यान से सुना और उनका अनुकरण करने का प्रण भी लिया | कार्यशाला के अंत में आचार्य जी ने सभी बच्चों को नैतिक मूल्यों से संबंधित पुस्तकें भी भेंट की |

Science Activity-Respiration

All growth depends upon activity.There is no development physically or intellectually without effort and effort means work.Thus to keep the overall growth of students in mind the students of class VI engaged in scientific activity of “Respiration”. The students explained the process of Respiration through inhalation and exhalation. Wherein during inhalation ribcage moves up and diaphragm moves down whereas during exhalation ribcage moves down and diaphragm moves back to it’s original position.

A Great Presentation Gives Smart Ideas and Advantage.

Model class presentation’ is a platform that goes beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms. Beyond the academic realm, these presentations play vital role in nurturing our students’ confidence and honing their public speaking abilities.
Keeping this in mind the students of class II-B presented themselves on the stage to showcase their knowledge and euphoria for various subjects i.e. Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Computer.
The parents were enthralled to see their children giving presentations with great zeal and enthusiasm.
Our Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey appreciated the young ones for such a wonderful presentation and praised their knowledge across the various subjects.

Felicitating the students at Excellia

The students of Excellia were felicitated for their respective positions in the Annual Sports Day that was organized on August 29th, 2023. The Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey felicitated the students who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions in series of events as per their specific age groups with gold, silver and bronze medals respectively.

Our work is the presentation of our capabilities

Model Class Presentation is a platform to showcase the hidden talents of students.Each child has an artistic talent within him, the only thing is to keep that artist alive. Keeping this is mind the students of Class III A/B presented themselves on the stage to showcase their knowledge and creativity for various Subjects English, Mathematics, Hindi, Science, Environmental studies and Computer.
Their presentation was filled with confidence and zeal.
Our Principal Mrs.Priyanka Dubey took the stage to appreciate the efforts of the students. She praised their Knowledge across the various subjects. Overall the presentation was enjoyed by parents and students.

Keeping up with High Spirits of Students at Excellia

“Relaxed, playful and harmonious moments are the birth place of creativity.”

It is well said that a presentation without an audience is like writing a letter and addressing it ‘to whom it may concern’. To keep up with the words of Ken Haemer, the students of K.G. presented a wonderful presentation keeping in sync with Art Integration concepts as laid down by the C.B.S.E guidelines. The students all decked up neatly in school uniform began their presentation with Gayatri Mantra.which was followed with English prayer post which the students gave their subject specific presentations. The parents were enthralled to see their little ones perform beautifully. They appreciated the facilitator for showcasing the hard work and patience. The Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey thanked the parents for being such a wonderful audience. The program ended on a happy note with parent’s penning down their feelings on the feedback wall.

Health Awareness workshop for Students at Excellia

When lives are on the line, seconds count. First aid is critical in those initial moments -Jay Inslee

The School ensures that the students must be aware about health care and fitness. Therefore on the occasion of Red Cross Day , first aid workshop was conducted by Mr. Akash Singh in which he discussed about various ways and means with which the lives could be saved under different circumstances like what measures could be taken when someone suffers from cardiac arrest , ways to stop nose bleeding, how to cure dog bites, ways to give CPR and many more. The students were given practical demonstration. They keenly listened to what their mentor was teaching and enthusiastically participated in practical demonstration.

Vrakshabandhan- Bond of Love and Affection

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees , under whose shade you do not expect to sit”.

Raksha Bandhan is the synonym of eternal love and affection which is holding the brother and sister relationship since ages and has become the true spirit of this relationship. On this auspicious day,brothers promise to safeguard their sisters from all perils. On this occasion our students of Excellia School also celebrated this festival by tying the knots and bands to trees. And took the vow to always protect and plants new saplings. Students reaffirmed their pious bonds of affection towards trees and environment.

My Country is Free From Political Pressure

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask Act!
Action will delineate and define you.
Thomas Jeffron
Students of class X have demonstrated about the assessment of outcomes of Democracy, where in the entire class have explained very enthusiastically the benefits of having democracy.
As, Ms. Sangita Singh social science facilitator gave them a simulated environment so that their critical thinking, analytical skill and Public speaking quality can be collaborated together in order to enhance their quality learning.

Independence Day Celebrations at Excellia School

“Freedom in the Mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our Souls Let’s Salute the Nation on this Independence Day.”
Excellia School celebrated India’s 76th year of Independence with great enthusiasm. With bright rays of the sun and clear skies, the weather played a perfect role in adding to the celebrations which began a day prior with our pretty toddlers indulging in flag making activity which they enjoyed doing to the core.
The auspicious day commenced with the hoisting of the tricolor by the school’s Director Mr. Asheesh Pathak which was followed by the National Anthem. Mr. Pathak addressed the student’s with his wonderful speech and cited to the importance of the day.
The student’s intently listened to the speech given by him. The program proceeded with melodious song performance by the students of the choir group. The enthralling dance performances and sequence by the students left everyone asking for more. The Director of school integrated program Mrs. Shalini Pathak, Advisor Mr. Praveen Pandey, General Manager Mr. Shekhar Varshney applauded the students for the zeal and enthusiasm with which they presented their performances.
The conclusion of the program was done with the motivational speech by the Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey who wished the students and asked them to become responsible citizens of the nation and for that the they have to start with instilling discipline amongst them at home and in school. The day ended on a happy note with students relishing ladoos during dispersal.

Annual Sports Day at Excellia

“One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than fifty others just preaching it’.

With the great noble thought mentioned above Excellia School organised the Annual Sports Day event on 29th August 2023. The event started with inaugural ceremony by the Principal Mrs. Priyanka Dubey. Post inauguration the students assembled in the sports ground area to participate in different races with full zeal and enthusiasm. Commencing with the students of Pre -Primary,the events like Sack Race, Hoola Hoop and Ring Balancing were seen that amazed everyone as to how the students showed their true sportsmanship. The Junior wing enthralled the audience with their active participation in Sprints, Three Legged Race along with other races. The concluding part of the event made everyone gasp for more as the students of senior wing from grade IX onwards showcasing their full talent in Kabaddi tournament. The facilitators and sports mentors ensured the smooth functioning of the entire event and the Principal Mrs. Priyanka Dubey congratulated the participants for showcasing their hard work and diligence in the event. She concluded with wonderful words of motivation for all the students that the game do call for rankers but eventually participation matters more than winning.

Embarking on an Achievers Journey

Excellia School felt proud and humbled when the student’s Vaishnavi Puneyani and Sachin Shukla were felicitated at Lucknow Public Collegiate under CBSE Sahodaya Schools’ Complex. The students were awarded for being the Toppers of X and XII Board Exam 2022-23. The Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey attended the felicitation ceremony wherein the award was presented by RO Prayagraj Mr Lalit Kumar Kapil while Mr Manoj Singh received the award on behalf of the student’s.

Kuddos to the Swimming Champ

Excellia School holds itself proud on the wonderful achievement of Ansh Khurana,our students of Grade VIII who bagged Ist position in 50 Mtr. Breast Stroke in U-14 group of Inter School Swimming Championship held at Allenhouse Public School on 26th August 2023

EMCC Champions

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better do better”.
Maya Angelou.

To keep up the spirit of the students soaring high and ensuring that they perform better academically it is imperative to motivate the students on timely basis. Therefore, the students of school integrated program EMCC were felicitated for their good performance in Mathematics and Science. Under the able guidance of Director EMCC Mrs. Shalini Pathak, students performed wonderfully well in their subjects. School Principal Mrs. Priyanka Dubey presented the badge of honour to the students for their wonderful performance. The facilitators Mr. Manoj Singh, Mr. Anoop Singh and Mr. Abhishek Pandey were also congratulated to instill high zeal in the students to perform better academically.

New Workshop at Excellia

A workshop is a way of renting an audience, and making sure you’re communicating. It’s so easy as a young writer to think you’re been very clear when in fact you haven’t.– Octavia Butler

Holding true to above mentioned quote, Excellia School organized an informative workshop on New Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF) on August 26th, 2023. The workshop was conducted by Oxford University Press resource person Mrs. Swagata who shared her views on classroom teaching based on experiential learning, creating opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions, engaging them intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially and physically.

The session concluded with teacher’s instilling valuable inputs about ways and means to engage the student’s through cordial learning environment and imbibing multiple pedagogical approaches for the assimilation of knowledge in all type of learners.

Acknowledging the facilitators on Teacher’s Day

“Great teacher’s make ordinary students extraordinary”

Teacher’s Day every year is celebrated on 5th September to acknowledge teacher’s for their efforts and dedication towards students. It is also the day where the noble profession of teaching is highlighted and emphasis is laid on the pivotal role that teachers play in the development of the student and the nation as a whole. Excellia School celebrated the day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The students kept a surprise program for their teachers to make them feel special and how much they mean to them. The program commenced with student’s welcoming the teacher’s and presenting the welcome song. Post lightning the lamp and seeking the blessings of Goddess Saraswati the students of Grade X presented a foot tapping dance performance that was appreciated by everyone present there. Post the dance performance the program commenced with a humorous play which left the audience asking for more.

The Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey presented a speech in which she honored the teacher’s for all the hard work and perseverance they have put in during the entire course of year and felicitated them with honorary titles. The students had then planned a surprise ramp walk for the teacher’s which the teacher’s also acknowledged enthusiastically. The Director Mr Asheesh Pathak, Director EMCC Mrs Shalini Pathak , General Manager Mr Shekhar Varshney, Head of Sports Academy Mr Praveen Pandey were present to wish the teacher’s on their special day and felicitated the teacher’s taking Board Classes for putting up a remarkable result of Grade X and XII. The students had planned wonderful games and the winners were awarded accordingly.

Post the celebrations at school, the management had planned another party for the teachers at one of the renowned restaurants in one of the finest areas of Lucknow wherein they were just asked to let their hair down and enjoy their special day. The teacher’s made most their day dancing and enjoying wonderful games. They thanked their seniors for making them feel special which was acknowledged well by management.

C.B.S.E Training at Excellia

Excellia School played host to educators from all across the district for C.B.S.E Training cum workshop on Art Integration on August 7th, 2023.Principals and teachers from the district attended the workshop. The Principal Mrs Priyanka Dubey welcomed the C.B.S.E Resource Persons Mrs. Archana Tewari and Mrs Geeta Arora who are also the acclaimed Principals from renowned schools in Prayagraj. The training commenced with kindling the lamp of knowledge and rendering the prayer to Goddess Saraswati. The students presented a melodious welcome song for the dignitaries. The session was interactive and full of fun filled activities . The day concluded with presentation of mementos to the honorable resource persons by the Principal Mrs Dubey.

Janmashtami Celebration

“Sweeter than honey, tastier than curd, pleasanter indeed than any happiness and joy is the company, is the power of the name of Krishna”

Krishna Janmashtami, is also known as Krishnashtami is observed on the Astami tithi,the eight day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Shraavana. Lord Krishna is known worldwide and celebrated as an avatar of God Vishnu.

On Wednesday, 6th September 2023, the students of Excellia school celebrated Janmashtami. The Students of Pre Primary and Class I and II came traditionally dressed as Radha and Krishna. A splendidly colourful program was organized by the children program was organized by the children and staff of the school where students presented songs, dance performances and a short play. An awareness on Janmashtami,the mythological stories on Krishna,Radha,Kansh through narrations were presented to the children.

The students were overjoyed when the joyful game of ‘Dahi Handi’ was celebrated to grace the occasion. Overall this holy occasion brought people together thus signifying unity and faith.

Investiture Ceremony Making Prudent Leaders

If your actions inspire others to dream more, lean more, do more and become more, then you are a leader.

This momentous day of 2nd August 2023 dawned to Confer responsibilities on the students of Excellia School to direct their School from the front with their Commitment, Confidence and Competence. The school held the ceremony with great zeal and enthusiasm. Gracing the occasion as Chief Guest was Rtd.Flying Lieutenant Youdhisthir Singh. The event began with a welcome song followed by march past by the newly elected office council members -school Captain, Vice Captain and House Prefects.

The Chief guest, Principal Mrs.Priyanka Dubey and School Advisor Mr.Praveen Pandey pinned the badges to the prefects. Then the Principal administered the oath to newly elected ‘ Prefectorial Body’ post which the School Captain Ojasv Singh, House Captains Snigdha Khare,Shreya Bisht,Prisha Singh & Vishvesh Mishra delivered a pertinent speech.

The members of newly elected Student Council are as follows:-
1-School Captain-Ojasv Singh
2-Vice Captain –Ishan pratap Singh
3-House Captains-Vishvesh Mishra,Snigdha khare,Shreya Bisht,Prisha Singh
4-Linguistic Incharge-English-Sanskriti Mishra Hindi-Divyansh Agnihotri
5-Sports Incharge-Girls-Shrishti Rawat Boys-Harsh Singh
6- Discipline Incharge-Aditya Tiwari,Shrishti Mishra

The Chief guest and the Principal congratulated the newly appointed School Cabinet Members for their preparedness to take up responsibilities entrusted to them. The Principal motivated them to do as they say and say what they do.

Motivational Session by Brahma kumaris at Excellia

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire,man cannot live without a spiritual life”.- Buddha

A Brahma kumaris session was organised at Excellia School for the facilitators of the school on September 12th 2023. BK sister Suman and Pragya conducted the class on introduction and identification of true self and the connection with the Divine Self. The session proceeded with the importance of thoughts was discussed and the impact it creates on an individual’s personality, thoughts and actions. The School’s inspection head Ms.Roli Pandey welcomed the BK sisters . The Principal Mrs.Priyanka Dubey Thanked Sister Suman & Sister Pragya for conducting such a wonderful session. The Staff and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the session and found the session profoundly enlightening.

Honing the Students Language Skills

“The English Language is so elastic that you can find another word to say the same thing”- Mahatma Gandhi
English is one of the fine languages and the best asset of the language is its flexibility. It is a huge entity of vocabulary and is constantly absorbing new words and evolving language. To hone the language skills of the students Grade VI and VII students were engaged in an interesting activity of Grammar covering multiple topics in group formations. The students whole heartedly participated in the activity and the facilitator ensured that the activity is not just engaging but fun to participate in.

Mango Day: Saluting the King of Fruits

Summers can never be complete without a good feast on delicious mangoes.
It was a sweet juicy morning for the tiny tots of Excellia School when the students of Pre-Primary delightfully entered the school to celebrate the season of the king of fruits-Mango.
The little ones were dressed up in the colours of mango i.e. yellow and orange. They enjoyed by decorating their mango with yellow dal (cereal).To make the event more enjoyable they made a head gear of mango and they also brought yellow items in their lunch boxes.
It was a session filled with happiness and joy of learning and exploring the creativity in oneself in Communion with that around us.

Beyond the Classroom

“Building a Tapestry of Talent: Fostering Children’s potential”
‘Model Class presentation’ is a platform that goes beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms. Beyond the academic realm, these presentations play vital role in nurturing our students’ confidence and honing their public speaking abilities.
Keeping this in mind the students of class –II A presented themselves on the stage to showcase their knowledge and enthusiasm for various subjects i.e. Hindi, English , Mathematics, Environmental Studies and Computer.
Their presentation was a pot-pourri of events for the parents.
Our Principal Mrs. Priyanka Dubey took the stage to appreciate the efforts of the students. She applauded their courage to speak confidently and praised their knowledge across the various subjects.
Overall the presentation was a celebration of young minds and their eagerness to learn.

Unfurling Children’s Talent

Model class presentation” is one of the platform to show and express the confidence and zeal in a student. The purpose o f this event is to showcase the assimilation of defined curriculum through practical means.
It also shows what a school teaches their children, the discipline and diligence along with aims to contribute to the betterment of the society.
The children of Class I-B presented the topics from different subjects i.e. English, Hindi, Mathematics, Environmental Science and Computer.
The parents were ecstatic to see their young ones perform beautifully.
The Principal Mrs.Priyanka Dubey motivated the students with her wonderful words of wisdom.

Saluting the real heroes

Saluting the real heroes
Excellia School commemorated Kargil Divas on 26th July, Wednesday to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who fought during the Kargil war.
Students of Pre-Primary to Grade XII engaged themselves in colouring and poster making. They Honoured the brave soldiers who fought in the kargil war and Learned about its significance while expressing their gratitude through art.